公司英文 Email 怎麼寫呢?

18 min readApr 14, 2018






[Meeting minute] marketing weekly meeting @ 9 am

[Urgent]Please advise…


[HTC]Quotation Request for Gift Bags(贈品袋的詢價請求)

[LV]Sales Promotion for 2012 A/W Collection(2012 秋冬新品上市的促銷活動)



Hi Andy,


Dear Andy,




  • I am writing to inquire …(我寫這封信想詢問 …)
  • I am writing to enquire about…(我想詢問有關…)
  • I am writing in reference to …(我寫這封信是關於 …)
  • After having seen your advertisement in… , I would like to …(讀了你們在XXX的廣告後,我想…)
  • In reply to your e-mail of 29 Dec., …(回覆你12月29日的email…)
  • With reference to your email of 29 Dec., I…(有關你12月29日的email…)
  • After having received your email address from… , I …(我從OOO得到你的email地址,我想…)


  • How have you been?(最近好嗎?)
  • How is your new project going on?(你案子進行還順利嗎?)
  • Thank you for all the good advice you have given me.(advice當「忠告、建議」時,是不可數名詞,複數不加s。)
  • Thank you for your email about/regarding…(有關XXX,謝謝你的Email…)


  • I suggest we have a con-call tonight at 9:30pm. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. (我建議我們今晚九點半電話會議,你和Ben有沒有空?)
  • Could you please let me know if you are available for a meeting on 12th April?(可以的話請讓我知道4/12的會議你是否方便出席?)
  • 口語:I’m talking about the meeting scheduled for next week.
    正式:I am writingin reference tothe meeting scheduled for next week.
    正式:I am writing to youregardingthe possibility of scheduling a meeting for next week.(通常 in reference to 用於「說明已經跟對方提過的事」,regarding 的用法比較廣泛。)
  • It would be helpful if your sales manager could have a short meeting with our senior manager. Is next Monday afternoon good for you?
  • I would like to call a meeting in the afternoon about our annual plan.(今天下午我建想就年度計劃開會討論一下)
  • I want to talk to you over the phone regarding the new project. (我想跟你電話討論新專案)
  • Let’s meet before the candidate arrives.(在候選人抵達之前,我們先見個面。)
  • A meeting was held on July 22 to discuss new procedures for invoicing customers.
  • We plan to attend the company’s annual meeting.(我們計畫出席公司的年度會議)
  • I’d like to remind you of the meeting(我想提醒你開會)(不是remind you the meeting)


  • Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on budget. (謝謝你,希望能聽到更多你對預算建議)


  • Can you get back to me asap?(你能盡快回覆我嗎?)(正式語言會不怕麻煩用as soon as possible,但非正式會直接用ASAP)
  • Looking forwardto your reply/feedback. (靜候佳音)
  • We are looking forward to hearing from you.(這句話在email文末最常出現,look forward to是「期待」之意,後面須接V-ing或名詞。)
  • I look forward to hearing from you.(我很期待能夠收到您的回覆)


  • I attach the evaluation report for your reference. (我附加了評估報告供您閱讀)
  • Attached please find today’s meeting notes. (今天的會議記錄在附件裡)
  • For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.(其他個人特徵方面的資訊詳見附件)
  • I add some comments to the document for your reference. (我在文件上添加了一些備註,僅供參考)
  • Please review the attached documents thoroughly.(請仔細檢視附件)
  • I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review.(上述資料已於信末夾帶檔案內附上供您參考)
    Please see the attached documents for a quotation of the requested services.(請參閱附加檔案內之服務相關報價)
  • I am attaching(我附上…)
  • Attached you will find(你可以看到附件…)
  • Please find attached(請看附件…)


  • Please see comments below. (請看以下的評論)
  • My answers are in blue below. (我的回答已用藍字表示)
  • Give me time to consider.(我需要一些時間思考一下)
    I’ll think about it.(比起來第一句就更正式。片語think about相較於單字consider更口語)
  • Let’s discuss it(我們來討論)(不是discuss about it)
  • We consider buying…(我們考慮買…)(不是consider to buy)
  • My flight (CI802) will arrive at 4 pm on Tuesday, October 7.(我的班機將在10/7下午四點抵達)
  • These goods will be sent to your address in New Jersey next Tuesday.(這些商品會在下禮拜二送達您紐澤西的地址)
  • Please notice that installation is included in the price.(價格包含了安裝費)
  • With reference to our recent discussion,I would like to demonstrate this new model for you.(依據我們最近的討論,我想要為您示範這個新的機型)(With是介係詞,後面須接名詞,所以refer須更正為reference)
  • The newest computer has a small, attractive footprint.(最新的電腦體積小,不占空間很有吸引力。)
  • Our employees’ rights have not been violated. (我們員工的權利沒有受到侵犯)
  1. The chair, which was badly soiled,was removed from the lobby.(嚴重髒污的椅子被移出大廳。)
  2. The chair that was badly soiled was removed from the lobby.(那張污損嚴重的椅子被移出大廳。)(which常用在非限定子句中,與逗號連用,說明非重要性的資訊。that不可與逗點連用,用來補充資訊(即限定用法))
  3. The badly soiled chair was removed from the lobby.(那張污損嚴重的椅子被移出大廳。)
  • The team supported her/Jane’s preparing the slides in-house.(團隊支持她的╱珍的準備的機構內部簡報。〔不用Jane〕)
  1. The mission statement that was approved by the department was forwarded to the CEO.(部門通過的任務宗旨已轉達給執行長。)
  2. The approved mission statement was forwarded to the CEO.(通過的任務宗旨已轉達給執行長。)
  • The boss didn’t like my being late for the meeting.(老闆不喜歡我開會遲到。〔不用me〕)
  • Tocut the company’s spending, we decided to eliminate one department.(為了減少公司的支出,我們決定刪減一個部門)
  1. It was a fast-paced meeting.(這是一個節奏快速的會議)
  2. The meeting was fast paced.(會議節奏快速)
  • I am here on behalf ofmy company. (我在這裡代表我的公司)
  • Ifthe company earns more than 1,000,000, year-end bonuses will be doubled.(如果公司賺超過一百萬,年終獎金將會加倍)
  • The sales number would have goneup if it had not been for the natural disaster.
    (要不是自天災,銷售數字應該會上升)(「would / could have p.p」表示和過去發生的事情相反)
  • Let megive you the catalogue regarding to the latest products.(這是最新產品的型錄)
  • I’m very glad that we were able to find a solution to the PBG project.(我很高興我們能夠找出PBG專案的解決辦法)
  1. The flow has become much larger after we used this system.(我們用了這個系統之後流量變的大多了)
  2. The flow has become much larger withthis system.。(如果用「with this system」取代「after」的子句,整句就會更簡潔)
  • Most of the employees, however,do come to work on time.(然而,大部份的員工都準時上班)(還有一些好用的副詞如「nonetheless」(但是)、「nevertheless」(雖然如此)、「otherwise」(否則)、「hence」(因此))
  • Therefore,it is possible to boost the sales.(因此,增加銷售量是有可能的)
  • 好用的介系詞片語(後面接名詞而非子句)
  • according to / on the basis of / in light of(根據 / 按照)
  • because of / due to / owing to(因為 / 由於)
  • on behalf of(代表)
  • make use of(運用)
  • by means of(藉由)
  • as far as(就…的限度 / 在…的範圍)
  • at the risk of(冒著…的危險)
  • In addition(Also而且)
  • 好用的單字
  • behind-the-scenes help(幕後協助)
  • know-how(知識、技能)
  • stick-to-itiveness(堅忍不拔、不屈不撓)
  • ready-to-wear clothing(成衣)
  • faster-than-expected production(比預期快的生產製造)
  • end-of-year reports(年終報告)
  • acceptable(可接受)
  • substitute(職位代理)
  • increase/decrease(增加/減少)
  • handle/deal with(處理)
  • omit(刪掉)
  • cause(造成)
  • require/need to(需要)
  • discover/find out(發現)
  • establish/set up(設立)
  • represent/stand for(代表)
  • arrive/show up(到達)
  • completely(完全地)
  • reimburse the shipping fee(補償運費)
  • as well as(和…一樣)
  • reach out to sb((通常指為了幫助或加入其中而)與(某人)溝通,與(某人)打成一片,走進(某些人)中間)
  • Our company has its headquartersin Paris.(我們公司總部在巴黎)(這個字字尾是「s」,並不是複數,而是它的名字形態。其實它是單數)
  • He has no experience in this sort of work.(他沒有這類工作經驗)(若是統稱指所有的經歷,不需加”s”;若指某些特定的經歷,可作複數使用)
  • The sales are increasing rapidly and are expected to grow by another 13 percent this year alone.(銷售成長迅速,預計單單今年就會成長13%)(「銷售量」可以直接用sales,正式或完整一點用sales volume。要注意的是當你用Sales時,它是一個複數名詞)
  • All my data are gone.(我所有數據都沒了)(Data 意為「資料」,是 datum 的複數。很多a結尾的名詞其實都是複數)
  • It’s very convenient.(這很方便)(不是it’s very convenience.,這是名詞)
  • I will take your advice.(我會採納你的建言)(不是take your advise,advise是動詞)


  • Do those foreign workers have the necessary expertise to produce our products?


  • At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. (如果可以,我希望你能仔細審查這件事)
  • It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior. (您若是能夠就用戶行為方面提供更多的資訊就太好了)
  • Please sign this document. Thank you!(麻煩你幫我簽署這份文件,謝謝)
  • Could you possibly…?(你可不可以…)
  • I would be grateful if you could…(如果你可以…,我會非常感謝)
  • I would appreciate your immediate/prompt attention to this matter.(很希望你能儘快關注此事)
  • Notice that the shipment will be arrived in 5 days.(注意貨物將在五天後抵達)(如果本句前面再加上「You should」,雖然結構沒問題,但句子就顯得累贅)
  • May I suggest you ask…(我想建議你去問…)(不是suggest you to ask)


  • I’ll be pleased to help you sort out this problem as soon as possible.(我很樂意幫助你盡快解決這個問題)
  • I would be glad/delighted to…(我很樂意…)
  • I will investigate the matter.(我會調查此事)
  • I will contact you shortly(我會盡快聯繫您)


  • I have to apologize that……(我必須道歉的是……)
  • Sorry that……(遺憾的是……)(apologize難,比較正式,sorry簡單,就不那麼正式)
  • I am afraid that(很遺憾…)
  • Unfortunately(很不幸…)
  • Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.(造成不便,真的很抱歉)



  • Please call me if you have any questions. (有任何問題,歡迎打電話給我)
  • Please give me a call if you have any questions.(有任何問題,歡迎打電話給我)
  • If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. (若您有任何問題或疑慮,請不吝與我聯繫)
  • Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way.(謝謝你的幫忙。有需要我們的地方,請和我們聯絡。)
  • If you need further information or assistance , please revert. (若需要更近一步的資訊與協助,請回覆)
  • Feel free to give your comments. (請隨時提出您的建議)
  • Your comments and suggestions are welcome! (歡迎您提供建議!)
  • Please advise as necessary.(請不吝賜教)
  • Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know. (如果開啟文件有問題請和我聯繫)


  • Thank you for considering my request. (謝謝你考慮我的要求)
  • Thank you for any help you can provide. (謝謝你提供協助)
  • I will appreciate your help with this situation.(很感謝你願意幫忙)
  • Thank you foryour time. (感謝撥冗)
  • Thank you for your time and consideration.(感謝您的寶貴時間)
  • I look forward to seeing you.(很期待與你見面)
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.(期待有機會合作。)


  • Best regards,(regards也可以加 kind, warm)
  • Sincerely(最正式的用法)
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Respectfully,


Jimmy Smith
Sales Representative, XXX Company



【商務英文書信】職場 email 真的不能用 Dear 開場嗎?
【商用英文】別再用老掉牙的 Dear、 Sincerely ! e-mail 大補帖教你寫出有效又專業的商業 e-mail!
你一定要會的職場Email寫作重點 英文Email常見四大問題
職場英文Email五大萬用金句 -推薦閱讀
正式 business email 寫法大公開,讓你職場大加分!
你寫的英文信總是不夠專業嗎?五個秘訣讓句子漂亮、邏輯更清楚 -推薦閱讀



